Bradbury massage thinks outside the box of chronic pain.
If we think about it, one’s posture can be thought of as a “boxing In” of your body by the bones, muscles and fascia.
Studies have shown that most, 85% of body pain is related to the movement and positioning of the musculoskeletal system/the status of the muscles, bones and joints.
The nature of chronic pain is such that as a person moves in one direction to relieve a discomfort they are feeling, another area of discomfort is felt…; similarly when movement is made to relieve this NEW area of discomfort, the older area of discomfort returns.
In a very real sense, the body is “trapped”:  There are two separate areas where pain is focused, and they seem to be connected, and also unable to be separated.
This is where my techniques of cranial sacral therapy, myofascial release, and shiatsu manipulation effectively calm, isolate, and separate the “partners in crime” behind chronic body pain.
Using cranial sacral therapy, I am able to perceive areas of the body which are in unnatural, and agitated positions.
Using shiatsu massage, I am able to manipulate bones and other tissues, into a circumstance where they are not experiencing agitation.
Then, using myofascial release, I am able to unwind and release stubborn areas.